Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The increase and decrease of Eeman. How to maintain it?

بسم الله ارحمان ارحيم 
الحمد الله و صلات وسلام على رسو الله

What is Eeman?

This question was brought to the prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) by Jibriel alaihissalam when he came to the prophet Muhammad as man with extremely white shirt and extremely black hair and without any dust on himself. in this long hadith it was said so: " ...He said, 'Tell me about eeman.' He said, 'That you affirm Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day, and that you affirm the Decree, the good of it and the bad of it.' He said, 'You have told the truth....'  (40hadithannawawi)

Does iman really decrease or increase: 

This is a reality that happens and as muslims it is very important to recognize that your 'eeman'' is decreasing or increasing. Because if you are someone to believe eeman is something that just stays at a particular level you won't be trying at all to do any good deeds.

Sheikh Muhammad Amaan Al Jaami, in his article 'Recognize if your Imaan is Increasing or Decreasing' explains to us the importance of knowing that eeman has levels and how to identify the situation. consider the following
"Abu Dhar (radhi Allaahu anhu) said: Whoever does not know that his Imaan increases and decreases is not a person of understanding. Rather it is from understanding in the religion to notice if your Imaan is increasing or decreasing.

If you find yourself devoted to Allah, desiring that which is with Allah, and energetic in acts of worship, loving the righteous people and the gatherings of knowledge, this is an indication and a sign of your strong Imaan and your increase in Imaan.

And if you find yourself turning away and lazy, having no desire to recite the Book of Allah and remember Allah; and you find yourself always lagging behind in some acts worship and not desiring that which is with Allah, this is proof of your deficiency in Imaan. Therefore remedy and rectify yourself.

With this we know that we always have to work on improving out iman, with purifying our hearts in believing Allah and doing good deeds constantly until our souls are taken by the will of Allah ta'la.

There are plenty of ways to keep on increasing your eeman. One of the three advices shaykh Abdul Aziz ibn Baz gave regarding this issue is:

''We advise you to recite the Qur'aan frequently and that you increase in your hearing of it and in your recitation of it. Reflect and consider its meaning to the best of your ability and what you do not understand of it, then ask the people of knowledge of your country about it, or write to those outside of your country from the Scholars of Sunnah (Prophetic guidance).

We also advise you to increase in the dhikr (remembrance) of Allaah with such remembrances and supplications that are authentically related, such as saying laa ilaaha illallaah (that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah), or saying subhaanallaah wal-hamdulillaah wa laa ilaha illallaahu wallaahu akbar (declaring Allaah free from all imperfections, praising Him and declaring that none has the right to be worshipped except Him and that He is greater), and their like. For this purpose, we urge you to refer to books such as al-Kalimut-Tayyib of Ibn Taymiyyah, al-Waabilus-Sayyib of Ibn al-Qayyim, Riyaadhus-Saaliheen and al-Adhkaar both by Imaam an-Nawawee, and their like. This is because the remembrance of Allaah increases eemaan (faith) and causes hearts to attain tranquility, as Allaah - the Most High - said: "Indeed in the remembrance of Allaah do hearts find tranquility." [Soorah ar-Ra`d 13:28]. 

Also preserve your five daily Prayers, your Fasting and the rest of your obligations - along with hoping in Allaah's mercy and forgiveness and relying upon Him in all your affairs. Allaah - the Most High - said: "The Believers are only those who, when Allaah is mentioned, feel a fear in the hearts, and when His Verses are recited to them, it increases their eemaan (faith), and they put their trust and rely upon Allaah alone. They are those who perform the Prayer and spend out of that which We have given them, they are Believers in truth. For them are grades of dignity and nobility with their Lord, and also forgiveness and generous provisions." [Soorah al-Anfaal 8:2-4]
(Source: Fataawaa Lajnatud-Daa'imah lil-Buhoothul `Ilmiyyah wal-Iftaa, 3/185-187
Al-Istiqaamah Newsletter, Issue No. 2, Safar 1417)

I would also like to share times when i notice when my eeman decreases. It is usually during my menstural period times, when i stay away from prayer and reading quran. and i think there are alot sisters who sense the same too. So during this period i advice myself and you to stay alert, since shaytaan is always around to corner. 

I really hope this article gave you benefit and a chance to examine yourself and work on increasing your eeman to not let it decrease. May Allah ta'la give us beneficial knowlege. 

Ma assalamah <3

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Quick Tips for Niqab Beginners

Tips for niqab beginners
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakathuhu all Ukhthis! Today I am very eager to share with you some niqab tips which ive learnt throughout my niqab history. I remember the first days with the niqab, I had to take sometime to find the right place where the knot should be placed, or how to eat/drink  with a niqab on etc. and yes! Alhamdulillahi ive learnt a few tricks and some from online, and i feel that there will be other sisters out there who could use some of these tips im sharing with you, and inshallah I hope it will be benefiting and will be a food thought for you dears out there. So without more further ado, Lets get started :D 

Tip no. 1

Choosing a niqab:
There are many type of niqabs that you can choose, which includes 1 layer one (with the elastic, velcro), 2 layers one, or 3 layer ones. And all these vary in any length you want it to be. In Maldives as far as I know, only 2 layers are available,  you can buy find them on jilbab or abaya shops around which I think costs around 70 to 75 rufiya.
Ive found ways to cover your face using shayla/shawls, and they pretty easy too, but to achieve that modesty and simplicity, it gets difficult using shaylas. So the already made one is better I guess right? What do you think?
As for me I prefer the 3 layer one, since I find it more comfortable with the eyes covered even. But I tend to notice during the night time, its not a good idea to uncover the eyes, since its difficults to adjust with the light since the cloth is dark too,  so I just put the 2 layers behind. but the sad thing for 3 layers one is you can’t find them at jilbab or abaya shops here, but hey! You can always sew ‘em right, if you don’t know how to sew (like me :P) then you can always ask another sister or give to a sewing place and get it done for 40 rufiya. (I asked a lovely sister of mine, and its beautiful)
As for the 1 layer and 2 layer ones, they are super easy to wear when you are living at a home where non mahrams live, or on the rush to somewhere, like to buy something, or get your kids from school, office. Its easier with these two. That is To wear and take of.
SO! Now that we know the types of niqabs you can choose lets go to the other tip

Tip no. 2: Adjusting

If you wear a three layer niqab or 2 layer, then this tip is going to be useful. when starting to tie Always put the curved eye area on where you want the base eye cutting of your niqab to be. This is important for the 3 layer one since you wont see anything until you take the 2 layers to the back. And also I find if I don’t give attention to this part then the base of eye cutting is very loose or tight and I have to keep pulling it down/up on and on. So by doing this its says like you want it to

In addition to this, tying your niqab above your bun make it stay put, in stead of your most line showing every now and then. But any sister who has short hair then they tying should be tighter but not that tight. I dont want anyone to have a headache with it!

Base line where you find it easy

Tip no. 3: Tyeing the knot, or Velcro

Trust me this IS important. I remember on the first day I wore the niqab the top band part was very nicely fitter with my knot, but the base part was very loose and too down. Does that happen to you? when I started getting the hang of it, I noticed tying the knot/Velcro in just above your ears of middle of the ears, keeps your niqab very well stable.just make sure your pony tail or bun does not get in the way.

 ps. excuse me for my bad drawing :P

Tips no 4: Eating with a niqab on!

People who have never experienced niqab, gets really curious about this part. I know sisters, we get a lot of illogical questions from people. But hey, when Allah subhanahu watala commanded us to wear it then what difficulity can it bring to us right? and I must say eating with niqab on is way easier than people think it is. Infact ul love it.
Whether it’s a cup of tea/coffee, water bottle, any beverage in a container, or ice cones, any meal you take what I do, or should I say what everyone does is:
lift the nigab up, bow your head a bit low so that you can aim your mouth to your fork, hands,container. If your niqab is longer than you can fold roughly until its short so that it won’t stretch all the waayy acros

I recently found out using a straw helps ALOT! trust me no need to lift the niqab.

now, you might find it difficult to stand up and eat with a niqab. But in islam we are not even advised to eat while standing. It’s a sunna. So no sad story in that right

Last tip: Sneezing and coughing
well, none of use wants any thing stuck on our niqab right? so a smart way to do happens to be to lower your head a bit and then do the sneezing and coughing. 
So that pretty much sums up for the tips I wanted to share right now, im very much interested to know any tips for sisters who wear spectacles of sunglasses… it would be nice to know. So I hope you will share your ideas and aswell as your experiences of this beautiful garment allah subhanahu watala gave us. Alhamdhulillah. Have a nice day/night/evening and Jazakallahkhair my dears.

Friday, February 17, 2012

When your brain states the obvious

When days pass and you reach the years through a repeated step
you tend to turn back and see what you've collected so far in your bag you've been carrying called "Life"
You tend to check your bag but it seems to miss alot of pieces and you begin to move back again. 
going to all those places your yesterdays lead you 
just so you could get those pieces. 
This new journey does not lead you to what you thought you were looking for. Instead open your eyes to a greater strive. More wonderful people. More joyous emotions. In short much more precious pieces for your bag to carry on
Now isn't that a twist? you never got the pieces you wanted but instead got much better ones
Oh what was i thinking you'll say... wasting my time back then when i could have done this
Oh silly you.. don't you see you're moving on. Don't you see what Allah has brought you? Don't you realize you have not wasted anything. Don't you see it is okay to make your bag a little lighter just so that you can store whats best for you ahead

Always trust in Allah the only lord who took care of you, proportioned you in a womb in ultimate darkness and written how you are going to spend your whole life. When i look back to my past and compare it with my present, i really don't know how i will thank my Lord for showing me a path to be more close to Allah and remember Allah. All these chances just so that i could gain benefit from it. And allah never gains anything from this. For He the Almighty does not need anyone but we need him. 
It is never too late to fill your bag with knowing your Creator and alot of Good deeds which allah commanded us to do with. Do remind that we hardly live long enough as those corpses in the graves. so fill your bag wisely.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dear know it all (s)

"When every single person around a young mother wants to tell her what to do and what not to do, why her child is crying and how she is feeding the child inadequately, then more confusion and hurt is caused rather than education or solution to the matter.

Babies will cry, just like we did at one stage and it is only correct to say a word of encouragement to the mother or remain silent. Interference into matters of feeding and upbringing can be the most annoying, depressing and stressful experience a young mother has. Each child is unique and not all solutions will be applicable.

Criticism of young mothers by their own family members or friends shows that they do not really care but simply want to prove they know better without actually providing a positive silent solution in the most loving manner.
No mother intentionally causes pain or grief to her baby but rather she is very keen on providing every bit of comfort."
-Mufti Ismail Menk-

What you just read above is a very common cause we turn our backs from. People don't think before they speak. They mock the mother by letting her know how much her child lacks in discipline, or how abnormal her child looks. All this without even realizing that your mocking her.

True you'll never know the real pain unless its about you. But this doesn't mean you cant be considerate. You yourself is a parent or will be a parent. How will you feel when your neighbor tells you "I saw your kid with long hair dudes, maybe he is using drugs too" or " Look how thin your child is, she looks like a branch" or "what terrible grades your child brought this term, my Lara brought all As" or "You better do this and that  than doing that (like me, yay I'm so great, notice me) SIGH SHEESH YA'LL!

Maybe people don't know what they are doing, maybe the "know it alls" doesn't even know what's right and what's wrong. I just hope this will be a good knowledge to have or more of a food for thought.

And why am i writing about this topic? Well in my opinion our mothers have put up a lot with these "know it all" (s) who bug into every single motherly business they do in the wrong way. I know i have been a cause of that for my mother, she dealt with a lot of them and i thank my mother for coping up with all of them so well and taking care of me her way :) Thanks mom.

So let us all be more considerate and instead of showing every bad out of everything comfort the person you care about. Compliment her, support her and help her in the most less annoying way you can :)

May Allah guide us all to the right path :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Scalloped Potatoes Recipe

Craving for something spicy today. Also missing my mom alot for that matter.
Check this recipe out, spicyyyy goooooooooood! but not too much of spice right :P
Scalloped Potatoes Recipe - - 85629

Saturday, December 10, 2011


"Hardship may dishearten and worry you at first. But every hardship passes away.
All dispair is followed by hope.
All darkness is followed by sunshine :)"

What a beautiful saying. I don't know who said it but its truly inspiring and true. No matter what you do nothing bad lasts for ever. Somehow we make it.
Alhamdhlillah, things do turn out well in the end :)

But this is if your doing the right thing ok. If you are planning to rob a bank then haaa fat chance okey :P
Seriously, no robbing -.-

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Beauty of Office Trips

Life is pretty tough after my new job as a salesgirl. yeah.. a salesgirl.. this profession might sound like the easiest job ever for some of you while it might seem like the toughest job for others. Actually its a little bit of both. Means, its an easy job when your shop is having a high sales day where every customers comes to buy  but its alot more difficult when your having a bad sales day when every customer is "just checking around"
Moreover when a salesperson has to do all the shifts starting from morning till night, it just gets condensed with nothing but stress!!

SO with all that I NEEDED A BREAK.. ALL MY WORK COLLEAGUES NEEDED A BREAK!  and so we all decided to go on a picnic , with all the staffs in our company which, made no sense at first because its another freaking day with all ur work mates! i mean come on

It was the other way around.  this actually turned out to be the perfect therapy for a relief from what we all were experiencing and it was so worth it. i got to meet so many different people all with so many different characters.

Since i was new to the company, at this trip i got to meet the informal part of my workmates which was pretty cool. Because they are sooo much funnier! There's so much to do outside you know, so many games, and so many jokes to crack up and laugh about. Because there's no reason to think "wait will she be offended if i say this or that?" or "should i laugh at this or not?" so there wasn't any tension between us .It was a wonderful experience. And i think all of you who is having work stress or a hard time at work should plan a trip like this.

Actually not only work it could be with a bunch of freshmen or with a new in law or something, because u get to know so much about each other and somehow ur so much connected with each other and they become special :)

SO dont just complain all day about how depressing your work is or how tired you are, doing the same thing every freaking day. Instead, GO HAVE A TRIP WITH THEM! and just CHILL :D insha allah you'l feel so much at ease
its so worth it u know ;)